Friday, May 27, 2011

...always gonna be another mtn...

I feel somewhat guilty for having a Miely Cyrus refernce in the title to this blog but honestly it's quite fitting. I am in Denver where there is always another mtn... Especially when i am trying to get back to my sisters place from town... 3 mile hill at a 10% grade... it sucks, but at the same time it's some good training. the air is so thin here.

I decided yesterday to give my knee a lil test. Decided i was gonna do a three mile down hill and come on back up it. Honestly my knee felt pretty good the whole time down... why would it hurt? i barely had to pedal! I ended up goign to a bike shop here in Denver and sat and talked for quite a while. I was there for about an hour or two. Upon leaving i started the ascent, which at first wasn't bad. I had my headphones in and i was ready to conquer the hill. About half way up though i realized my bike wasn't shifting how it should. It was bouncing between gears, for those who don't know much about bikes, it's not good. I finally make it back to the top of the hill to my sisters place and start to work on my bike. I call Luke at my bike shop back home and he walks me thru a few things i can try and i fiddle and work on it for about 2 hours. it wouldn't work. I couldn't get it to shift right. i was so frustrated. I was honestly pissed. My head was yelling out why can't anything go right on this trip.

I am still working on my bike and my sister pulls into the drive way and she and i decided to go to yoga together. i was pissed about the bike but i was excited about time to relax and stretch out my body. I needed something like that. It was an hour and a half session i think. It was much need and the teacher was super cool too. It was a lot of fun to just kick it with my sister and relax. After Yoga though we really didn't do much. Just came home and ate some dinner. Which was good. I had some soup!

Today was kinda odd and random but not at all. ha. I started off the day eating (my favourite). While iw as eating lunch my sister's fiance invited me to go to his son's 4th grade awards ceremony... i accepted. i eman why not. i honestly didn't wanna mess with my bike so ya why not. It was a good time. I mean it was nice to run around with my future brother in law and go see my future nephew rock out a recorder ninja award. I don't know what that even means but it has ninja in it which makes it ok with me. It's like a math pirate award or something. On the way home after the award ceremony we went to kinkos and the store. It was nice. I decided to take my bike to the bike shop. I honestly couldn't afford it but it had to be done. nothign i could do would fix it. i mean i guess i could have... just didn't have the bike knowledge to figure it out.

So ya i end up at the bike shop and the guy there is super cool and he let's me use his tools. He and i looked at my bike and fixed everything i think... plus i got to clean my bike up and now Jolene is all pretty and spotless! The coolest thing though is he did everything for free, and we think my bike is fixed. He is having me come in a few days this week to work for him at the shop. I am super jacked about it. Tomorrow he is having me come in and put a few bikes together out of the box! So legit. Plus free lunch! woot woot. Dave at Full Service Bike Shop in Lakewood, Colorado knows his stuff. if you are around the area check it out.

Other than that i am goign on a ride tomorrow morning around 8 am which should be a lot of fun. I am a bit nervous about my knee but i think it will be ok. i will let you all know how the ride goes tomorrow or the next day. My biggest problem on the ride will be my cardio.. the air sucks here! Knee is feeling pretty good which is great news. It throbs sometimes but it hink that is mental... i don't know why it would.

Thanks again to anyone who reads this. You alls comments on here and texts and facebook posts help me more than you will know. Being this far away from home is super hard for me. I know i am out here though and this is where i am supposed to be. I am meeting people daily and it is a blast. It looks like i will be back on the road heading to south carolina sometime in the next 1.5-2 weeks! Daniel has made it to Jackson, Wyoming. He is doing well and we are both excited to get back on the road together!

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