Sunday, May 1, 2011


Just got done playing basketball... i realized 2 things while playing...
1. I suck at basketball.
2. I would rather be on my bike than playing basketball.

I am sitting here at my place right now watching the Tour de Romandie, i feel like i am torturing myself. I don't have my bike yet i am just sitting here watching people on their bikes. The trip is on the horizon and it's more surreal now than it has ever been. I am going back to East Tennessee tomorrow to train this week and really try to ride everyday, rain or shine.

After my post maybe a week or so ago about why i am going on this trip i got some really good feedback from some of my friends who liked my reason for going. I have thought about it a bunch but there is also another reason i am going that most people don't know except a few close friends and i feel like it should be known why i am really going.

I want to love people. I want to show people what being a Christian is about. I don't want to judge anyone and i want to spend time with people and hear their stories. I want to build relationships with each individual i meet along the way and hopefully in some way, shape, or form impact people's lives. I feel like so many people are pushed away from the church by many different reasons, but the one i have heard the most of is that they have felt judged. Jesus didn't judge. He loved. No matter what. That's what i wanna do. I may not agree with things people do but i am in no place to judge them. So this is why i am going.

The trip is my right to passage but also i want to hopefully meet people and build friendships with people each day. I can't explain how excited i am about leaving.

While blogging: Obama's Speech, Tour de Romandie, and listened to my friends talk...

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