Sunday, June 5, 2011

Laughing about BBQ.

I know i am a bit late but this is the blog from three nights ago. It was an awesome night. Thursday night to be exact. It's just hard to blog when the closet town is 40 miles away much less any wifi.

So daniel got here and we had a blast. thursday we decided to go down to the bike shop, hangout, work on fitting everything just right, and just do nothing with the guys down there. I also wanted to thank them for letting me help out and all of that stuff.

We ended up hanging out at the bike shop for about 3-4 hours, just laughing and goofing off. Dave owns the bike repair shop and Chuck owns the bike dealer part. They are both super amazing dudes. Dave had let me fix my bike and everything while chuch hooked me up with new sunglasses (i left mine in Daniel's friend's car... and my knife.) and these amazing hydration tablets called NuuN. Try them out if you can. they are amazing. Made me feel great for sure.

As we are leaving the shop though Chuck invited us to have dinner with he and his wife Francy (sorry is i mispelled that). We accepted the offer on the terms that we buy Chuck a beer (which he woudln't let us anyways). What a night? They took us to this little hip part of Denver to a place called Highland Tap and Burgers (i think). I had a lamb burger and it was delicious. Never had lamb before but it was nuts good. I wanna go back and have another for sure.

After we ate Chuck, Daniel, and I all argued over BBQ. Chuck is from Kansas, Daniel from North Carolina, and me from Tennessee... I don't think i have laughed that hard in forever. It was one of my most memorable nights from this trip so far. Just the hospitality of Chuck and Francy was incredible.

Daniel and i came back to my sister's and had to clean up before we hit the road on friday morning. So ya we did that and went to sleep.

Friday morning we woke up got loaded down and stopped for food for a couple days on the way out of Denver and got on out way. Friday was an incredible ride. We started in lakewood Colorado and it is such a pretty ride goign into Denver. We went thru some of the coolest little neighborhoods. It was a bit of a slow ride averaging about 8 miles an horu thru the city but it was gorgeous and not very tough. About halfway thru Denver a guy rolled up next to us on his bike, John. He asked us what we were doing and we told ihm so he actually showed us the quickest way out of town on some random back roads and paths. it was so incredible. I don't think we would have ever found that way out of Denver, so thanks to you John.

Overall is was a really rad couple of days. I was super stoked to be back on my bike hands down. It is gorgeous out here and the people are great! I will blog yesterday and today's blogs tomorrow sometime. i feel like this is getting way too long. Hope you enjoy the read. have an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha CLEARLY the best bbq is in Georgia, just sayin'... :) So glad things are working out! Have y'all been camping along the way or do you have places to stay set up in advance? Safe travels!
